The Premise for Christian Weight Releasing
Successful weight loss God's Way requires you doing the right things (Proverbs 14:12), at the right time (Ecclessiastes 3:1-8), in the right order (1 Corinthians 14:40), for the right reason (James 2:4), with the right mindset (Romans 12:2).
We often get one or two of them right, but we’re rarely able to get all of the pieces lined up so we have minimal success. Now is your time to discover how!!!
The 'Right Things'
Yes, there are things that you should and should not be doing to release weight. Proverbs 14:12 teaches us the principles of doings things the right way instead of wasting time traveling down a path that leads to destruction.
In this course, you’ll discover that a lot of things you thought were right, may not actually be the case. You may have wasted a lot of time trying one thing or another hoping to eventually stumble across that right combination that works for you. Unfortunately, it's not that simple.
Discovering the right things will include all three aspects of your being:
Your Body
Yes, there are specific 'right things' to do for your body to release weight safely and effectively for permanent success.
God dwells in our physical bodies and calls it His temple. A temple is a sacred place of beauty and majesty. God took great pride and joy in creating us, and He also wants us to treat our bodies as the sacred temple He designed them to be. Discovering the right foods for your body and the appropriate amount of activity your body needs to feel healthy and vibrant will be one of the key steps in your journey.
Your Soul
There are 'right things' to do for your soul for successful weight releasing.
Your soul is made up of our conscious and our subconscious mind, which houses our thoughts, conscience, will and emotions. It gives us our personality. This is where the battle rages. It’s where we experience the anxiety, doubts, and fears which in turn manifest in our bodies as excess weight and illness. If our soul is bound, then we will have difficulty honoring our temples and we will have difficulty connecting with God.
Without renewing your mind and practicing the presence of God, this journey will continually be an uphill battle.
Your Spirit
It's the spirit of God that will allow you to breakthrough the strongholds that have been keeping you bound.
At our core is our spirit. It’s the part of us that connects with God. This is our contact point with God where our spirit communicates with His. Paul says, “When we cry ‘Abba! Father’ it’s the spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God” (Romans 8:15-17). It’s only when we align our spirit with our heavenly Father’s, will we ever be successful at anything we do, including getting healthier.
Successful weight releasing will require specific actions to enlighten your spirit so you can see the truth.
Are you ready to learn the 'right things' for your body, soul, and spirit?!
The 'Right Time'
Ecclessiastes 3:1-8 teaches us that there is a right time to do everything. This same principle applies to your health.
When is the right time to eat?
When is the right time to exercise?
On a bigger scale, is this your time and season to release the weight? If God has called you to make your health a priority in this season of your life, then do it! You may need to let other things go to make it happen.
In this course, you will discover how to manage your time so you can learn to prioritize your health.
The 'Right Order'
Matthew 6:33 and 1 Corinthians 14:40 teach us about two types of order that are both necessary to live successfully and achieve a healthy weight. Matthew teaches us how God wants us to prioritize our lives and 1 Corinthians teaches us how we are to conduct ourselves each and everyday in everything we do.
Unfortunately, in our desperate desire to lose weight, many of us operate out of order. We put our own needs before God's, which leads to much anxiety, frustration, and overwhelm.
We try to do things our way and put the cart before the horse. We start with diet and exercise when we're not even clear on our goal, or what God really desires from us.
In this course, you'll discover when you should implement a healthy eating plan. And when you should add exercise and what steps should come first, second, third, and so on. You've probably already wasted too much time in your life trying to figure this all out. It's time to establish some order to finally be successful!
The 'Right Reason'
What's your reason to lose weight?
If you want to lose weight just to be a certain number on the scale, to look a certain way, or to fit into a certain outfit, then your motivation might be misplaced and your results might be short-lived.
If your desire is to glorify God with your body or live in obedience to Him, leave a legacy of health for your children, or reflect His glory, then you’re on the right track.
It's okay if your motive right now is to just lose weight, but know that as you grow in the Lord and develop a greater understanding of His plans and purpose for you, your reasons will deepen and you will be more connected to Him.
Proverbs 16:2 teaches us that, “All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the LORD.” And because our hearts are so deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9), our selfish motives often run the show, often leaving God out of the equation.
In this course, you'll discover how to ground your motivation in what really matters. This is the only way to lasting success.
The 'Right Mindset'
Last, but just as important is your mindset.
The Word of God teaches us that we are to develop the mindset of Christ and even guides us in what we are to think about (Philippians 4:8).
Get this, you weigh what you weigh because of the thoughts you think! Sounds a bit dramatic and inflated but by the time you finish this course, you'll probably agree too.
Without the right mindset, you'll keep spinning your wheels. Like Paul, you'll forever be wondering why you keep doing the things you don't want to do and can never seem to consistently do the things you want to do.
If right now your mindset is that you'll just give this program a “try and see how it goes” or you'll skim through it, you don't have the right mindset.
In this course, you'll discover the mindset that will allow you to stay the course; to never give up regardless of the obstacles and challenges that come your way, and to begin to see every setback as a stepping stone towards your success.
Ready? Let's do this together!